This app is to display Microsoft Teams Chat, we have other apps for Microsoft Team Meeting or Team Live event
You can display your Microsoft Teams Channels on your digital signs screen with OptiSigns.
Let's jump in and get started:
First, you will need to have your screens set up and paired. For more information on how to do that, click here.
Then log on to our portal:
Go to Files/Assets, Click on "App", find and click on Microsoft Teams
Name: Name of your Team asset, this is the name shown in the asset list. It will not be displayed on your screens.
- Team: Select from one of the team that you are part of.
Channels: Select list of channels you want to display. Important: you can only set this one time during the creation of the asset, if you want to change this later, you should delete the old asset and create a new one.
Display Mode: Select Chat Log View (real-time update),Social Kiosk Viewor Timeline View.
Theme: Select Team, Light or Dark Theme.
You can select Photo and set Backgournd Color and Text Color for your Theme.
- Font Size: Set the font size for the Team app.
You can click Advanced and set:
- Moderation: This is option for you to moderate your content (show, hide certain posts), default is "Always show new posts" meaning all new posts are automatically show up, no review, approval needed. You can read more about content moderation feature here.
- Filter Posts: By Time (i.e last 30 days) or by last XX number of posts.
- Scrolling Strip Font Size: If you put the Team app to a SplitScreen zone that is a scrolling strip, you can set how big you want the scrolling text to be.
- Continue Playing Content in Playlist: In the playlist, the Team app plays 10 items in the 1st round, and it will start with #11 item in the 2nd round.
After Saving, you can Preview the Team chat. It may take several seconds for the app to fetch posts and prepare your wall, so please be patient.
Why does using Teams require giving OptiSigns Admin permission to use?
OptiSigns uses Microsoft APIs for integration. In order for our integrations to work, the integration has to be approved by an administrator. This is the same across all integrations using Microsoft APIs.
This administrator access is only needed for first time access. Once the OptiSigns app is approved for use, other users can use OptiSigns directly.
That's all!
Congratulation, you have created Microsoft Teams asset, now you can assign it to your screens, playlist, schedule like any other assets.
If you have any additional questions, concerns or any feedback about OptiSigns, feel free to reach out to our support team at