In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide to setting up SAML 2.0 with Microsoft Entra ID for use with OptiSigns.
- Set Up OptiSigns Subdomain and SAML SSO Settings
- Add OptiSigns as an App in Azure Portal
- Assign and Map Users and Groups from Azure to OptiSigns (OPTIONAL)
- Setting Up OptiSigns Login to Appear in (OPTIONAL)
- Frequently Asked Questions
NOTE: This feature is available to Pro Plus, Engage, and Enterprise plan users. |
SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) 2.0 allows a single authorization to access multiple systems. This can be configured to allow easy access to OptiSigns digital signage through your Microsoft Entra ID. Entra ID will act as the IDP (Identity Provider), with OptiSigns will work as the SP (Service Provider). Here is a quick video showing how to set up SAML 2.0 with Entra ID (when it was known as Azure AD):
Set Up OptiSigns Subdomain and SAML SSO Settings
To begin, you’ll need to perform some functions within the OptiSigns app, including:
- Creating a Custom Subdomain
- Setting up SAML SSO Settings
Now, let’s begin.
Setting up a Custom Subdomain
First, ensure you have an OptiSigns subdomain. This can be obtained by going to the Branding Settings page.
Fill in the subdomain field and click Activate. Now you can use this subdomain for a variety of functions, including SAML setup. You can also map your domain by following our article on Custom Domain mapping.
This subdomain will be the URL to share with your users so they can log in to use the app after integration has been set up.
For this example, we will use as our URL.
Setting up SAML SSO Settings
Go to the SAML Single Sign-On Setting Page:
Now enable Enable SAML SSO. There should be a green checkmark next to the option. This will expand the options available to you.
The other settings are:
- Enable Username & Password Login - Allow users to also log in with username/password. We recommend disabling this once integration is finished. As Admin/Owner, it’s recommended to keep at least 1 account with a password login in case there are issues. You can use this account to login directly to the app to reconfigure if necessary.
- Enable User Creation - If users are authenticated but do not exist in OptiSigns, they will be created in the OptiSigns app. We recommend enabling this unless you wish to be extremely strict and want to review the roles of users before they can start using OptiSigns.
- Enable User Override - Every time a user logs in, OptiSigns will check their group assignment. If it has changed on SAML, OptiSigns will update their permissions within the app.
Next, note your Single Sign On URL and Audience URI (SP Entity ID) URL. You will need to use these later.
Add OptiSigns as an App in Microsoft Entra ID Portal
Log in to your Microsoft Azure portal as an administrator, then navigate to Enterprise Applications.
Click New Application.
Select Create your application. This pops up a sidebar on the right. Inside, input “OptiSigns” as the name of the app, and choose Integrate any other application you don’t find in the gallery (Non-gallery). Finally, hit Create.
This will take a moment, but you’ll eventually be brought to an Overview screen.
Click Set up single sign on.
Click SAML. This will begin the setup of SAML-based Sign-on.
Here, click Edit in the Basic SAML Configuration section. This is where you should provide the Single Sign On URL and SP Entity ID you got in the last step.
Place the Single Sign On URL under Reply URL and the SP Entity ID under Identifier.
Next, note the next two sections: SAML Certificates and Set up OptiSigns. You’ll need to obtain three key pieces of information:
- Certificate (Base64)
- Login URL
- Microsoft Entra Identifier
These will need to be maintained within the OptiSigns app, in the SAML SSO Settings page.
Now go back to your OptiSigns account and input these three pieces of information in the following places:
- Login URL should go under SAML 2.0 Endpoint (HTTP)
- Microsoft Entra Identifier should go under Identity Provider Issuer
- The content of the downloaded Certificate (Base64) should be pasted under Public Certificate.
With this, your login portal and integration are all set up. If this is all you need, you’re done. If you’d like to manage users, groups, and teams, keep reading.
Assign and Map Users and Groups from Azure to OptiSigns (OPTIONAL)
We highly recommend creating groups of users to be assigned within Azure to be automatically mapped to OptiSigns with the correct role and group.
NOTE: Without configuring this, all users will be assigned User Role and Default Team. You will have to manually change their roles and teams within the OptiSigns app. |
Head back to the SAML settings page within OptiSigns. Scroll to Advanced Settings and you should see this:
By default, unmapped users/groups become Users within the Default Team in OptiSigns. To link OptiSigns to Azure, either create a new mapping by clicking Add or edit one of the existing Group mappings.
The “Group Name” within OptiSigns corresponds to the “Group ID” within Azure. To find this information, go to your Azure Portal and select Groups.
Your Object ID can be found here for each group you’ve created.
This Object ID should be input into the Group Name field within OptiSigns. However, we recommend creating a group specifically for OptiSigns with an OptiSigns- prefix and map these to OptiSigns like this:
- optisigns-admins (SAML group) → OptiSigns role: Admin
- optisigns-users (SAML group) → OptiSigns role: Users
- optisigns-custom-role (SAML group) → OptiSigns custom role that you create
Once finished, it should resemble this:
You can create as many groups and roles as you like.
How to Handle Unmapped Users and Groups
You may wish to map the “Unmapped users/groups” section to No Team (Disable). This way, they will receive an error message when trying to login in and will have to reach out to Admins to get the correct team and role assigned. This is a useful safeguard in case certain users accidentally get assigned the OptiSigns app but not the correct group.
NOTE: If you map an SAML group to a Team, then delete the Team, it will result in new users being mapped to No Team. They will have to contact you to be assigned to a team in order to use the app. |
Managing Attributes & Claims in Microsoft Azure
Editing the Attributes & Claims in Microsoft Azure can give you even more control over the Users added to the group, and is a valuable tool.
To begin, go to the Azure portal. Click Enterprise Applications → OptiSigns → Single sign-on. Scroll down to Section 2: User Attributes & Claims. This is where you maintain the mapping of these attributes.
Within this section, there are two main things to customize:
- Group Claims
- User Attributes
We’ll walk you through each.
Creating Group Claims for Use with OptiSigns
To create a Group Claim, first hit Add a group claim:
When you create a Group:
- Select Groups assigned to the application under “Which groups associated with the user should be returned in the claim?”
- (Optional) Input the name “groups” in the “Customize the name of the group claim” and leave the Namespace section blank.
That’s all for creating Group claims.
Customizing User Claims for Use with OptiSigns
These mappings will pass information to OptiSigns on the user’s Name and Group:
The Claim names are, by default, represented by a URL. The Type will be given as SAML, with the Value corresponding to identifying information about the user, including:
- user.givenname
- user.groups (only if setup - see above section)
- user.mail
- user.userprincipalname
- user.surname
These Claim names correspond to this section under Advanced Settings on the SAML SSO Settings page:
OptiSigns accepts First Names, Last Names, and Groups by default.
These values correspond to the Namespace of the claim. So, in other words, if the Value corresponding to the firstName (user.givenname) is a URL, you will have to paste the entire URL into OptiSigns. It is possible, however, to change the Namespace to something more manageable.
In Azure, click on any of these claims to Manage them.
To eliminate the URL, simply delete it from the Namespace field, then hit Save.
This will replace the URL in the Namespace with the Name. This is a much easier piece of information to manage.
These can now be mapped, like so:
Finally, go to the Users and groups section within Azure and assign your groups to the OptiSigns Enterprise app.
Setting Up OptiSigns Login to Appear in
It’s often convenient to have the OptiSigns app appear as a clickable option on your company’s portal.
To set this up, copy the following URL, being sure to substitute your Branding subdomain where appropriate:
Next, head back to your Azure portal, and go to SAML-based Sign-on. Once there, find Basic SAML Configuration and hit Edit. This will open up a sidebar. Simply paste/type your URL into the Sign on URL (Optional) and Relay State (Optional) fields.
This will allow the OptiSigns app to appear in your Microsoft Office portal.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here, we’ll answer some of the most common questions we get around this topic.
I Got this Error Message. Help?
Unable to process request due to missing initial state. This may happen if browser sessionStorage is inaccessible or accidentally cleared. Some specific scenarios are - 1) Using IDP-Initiated SAML SSO. 2) Using signInWithRedirect in a storage-partitioned browser environment.
This error appears for one of two reasons:
- The wrong URL was input. This is frequently (
- The user has tried to access the OptiSigns portal from without setting up SAML SSO in Microsoft Azure correctly.
The easiest way to solve this problem is to login through your branded URL.
This will be unique to your organization. For more information, follow the steps outlined in the “Add OptiSigns as an App in Microsoft Entra ID Portal” section.
It’s Saying I Don’t Belong to a Team/Group. How Can I Fix This?
This error has to do with group mapping. To start, follow all the steps outlined in the “Assign and Map Users and Groups” section above.
If you’re still having trouble, check your Group names. In Azure, that’s Object ID:
Check the desired User’s Attributes & Claims and make sure their Group name is assigned as Groups assigned to the application.
Next, check if the Claim has been set up properly:
The above values should match these within the OptiSigns portal:
Finally, make sure the user and group have been added to the application within MS Azure:
This should resolve the issue.
I Want to Edit My Branding, SAML SSO, or Company Settings, but can’t! What’s Going On?
If you’ve signed on through SAML SSO, it is not possible to edit these three settings. Changes to these can only be made through the OptiSigns portal directly.
Users will need to sign in through to access all settings. Must be with a username and password login, otherwise, they’ll be redirected to their branded site
That's all!
You have configured SAML 2.0 for OptiSigns with Microsoft Entra.
You can share the URL with your users and they can log in with their SSO credentials.
If you have any additional questions or any feedback about OptiSigns, feel free to reach out to our support team at