This article will guide you through how to create and use Facebook Counter app.
You can select what type (Like or Follower) do you want to display.
The below is an example of what to expect using this app.
Let's jump in and get started:
First, you will need to have your screens set up and paired. For more information on how to do that, click here.
Then log on to our portal:
Go to Files/Assets, Click on "App" and add Facebook Counter to your Account.
Click Facebook Counter:
NOTE: OptiSigns will not make any changes or post on your Facebook.
Name: Name of your Facebook Counter Wall, this is the name of the wall in your asset list. It will not be displayed on your screens.
- Page: Page you want to use (if you have more than 1). Important: you can only set this one time during the creation of the asset, if you want to change this later, you should delete the old asset and create a new one.
- Type: There are two types: Like or Follower. You can select what do you want to show on your Facebook page.
- Title: This is the Title you want to give your Counter. It will be displayed above the Counter.
This is an optional field. -
Text: This is a description text you want to provide the viewer. i.e. Use case may be to instruct viewer to 'Like' your page by scanning QR.
Theme: Select Light (Facebook blue background) or Dark Theme (black background).
QR Code: Select whether you want the QR code to link to the Facebook Page URL or you can select a Custom URL which you can determine what type of code type you want to generate and link to.
After Saving, you can Preview the Facebook Counter app.
That's all! Congratulations!
You have created your Facebook Counter App.
You can change the wall any time by click on it in the Files/Assets tab.
You can assign the newly created instance to your screen by going to Screens, click Edit screens and assign the wall to screens that you want.
You can put the created social walls in a Playlist and/or Schedule too.
If you have any additional questions, concerns or any feedback about OptiSigns, feel free to reach out to our support team at