Microsoft PowerPoint is an incredibly popular way to create and share your presentation. With OptiSigns, you can bring these presentations to your digital screens in a variety of ways.
In this article:
How to Use Your PowerPoint With OptiSigns
- Option 1: Upload a PowerPoint File (Easiest & Recommended)
- Option 2: Sign in with Your Microsoft Account (PPT changes auto sync to your screens)
- Option 3: Embed Your PowerPoint
- Best Practices for Using a PowerPoint
Option 1: Upload a PowerPoint File
We highly recommend this method!
Depending on how you download your PowerPoint, this option can be useful if you want your videos, animations or transitions to work. You can either download your Powerpoint as:
- A Video/MP4: This will play any videos, transitions, or animations your PowerPoint may have.
- A PPT File: Videos, transitions, and animations will not play, but you can adjust the duration of slides.
That said, let's get started!
- Download your PowerPoint to your device.
- Log in to the OptiSigns portal
- Navigate to the Files/Assets page
- Click Upload Files
- Drag in or select your PowerPoint file from your device
- Click Upload
- Either: Assign to a screen on the Screens Management page or push the asset to your screen.
- If downloaded as a PDF or PPT, select the Duration (seconds) of the entire document. (Min. 4/page)
- If downloaded as a PDF or PPT, select the Duration (seconds) of the entire document. (Min. 4/page)
- Videos, transitions, and animations will not play if downloaded as a PDF or PPT file. It will just be a slideshow.
Option 2: Sign in with Your Microsoft Account
This option allows you to access private PowerPoint files directly from your Microsoft account. With this option, your PowerPoint will update in our portal with any changes you make to it.
Note: The first time logging in will require using an account with administrator privilege on your Microsoft account.The administrator will need to approve OptiSigns App in your Microsoft account. This is only needed one time and for the first time. Once OptiSigns App is approved by the administrator in your account, any users in your organization can log in using their own account and use it. |
- Log in to the OptiSigns portal.
- Go to Files/Assets, then Apps, and search for the PowerPoint Online app.
- Click “Log In With Microsoft” in the OptiSigns app.
Select the PowerPoint file you wish to display.
- Name your asset for easy identification (this name will not be shown on the screen).
Adjust the speed of slide transitions.
- Slow/5: 19 seconds
- Medium/10: 14 seconds
- Fast/15: 9 seconds
- Optionally, customize the Update Interval (default: 12 hours).
- Click Save to finalize your settings.
- Push to screens
- Does not have animation or transitions, making it a regular slideshow
- Videos will not play and will only show the thumbnail
Option 3: Embed Your PowerPoint
We do not currently recommend this option unless you are displaying one page.
- Upload your PowerPoint file to Microsoft OneDrive and open it.
- Navigate to the File tab, select Share, and then click Embed.
Copy the HTML embed code.
- Next, Share your presentation publicly by clicking the Share button in PowerPoint Online.
- Select Copy Link
- Make sure that the link is accessible to anyone!
- Make sure that the link is accessible to anyone!
Replace the URL in the generated embed code with the public URL of your PowerPoint that you just copied, as shown below. This ensures that the presentation is accessible without requiring a login.
<iframe src="https://Your-Public-URL&action=embedview&wdAr=1.7777777777777777&wdEaa=1" width="476px" height="288px" frameborder="0">This is an embedded <a target="_blank" href="">Microsoft Office</a> presentation, powered by <a target="_blank" href="">Office</a>.</iframe>
- Log in to the OptiSigns portal.
- Go to Files/Assets, then Apps, and search for the PowerPoint Online app.
- Paste the modified embed code.
- Optionally, customize the Update Interval (default: 600 seconds).
- Click Save.
- Push to Screens
- Auto-advancing does not work.
- Needs a stable internet connection to display.
- Only works when the PowerPoint URL is accessible to anyone.
- Powerpoint UI will appear instead of being in seamless presentation mode.
Best Practices for Using PowerPoint with OptiSigns
- File Size: Keep your PowerPoint file under 25MB for optimal performance. Complete app size cannot exceed 105MB.
- Avoid Embedded Videos: Videos can increase file size and cause performance issues. Instead, consider exporting your presentation as a video if animations or video playback is essential.
- Use Simple Transitions: Complex animations and transitions may not render properly. Stick to basic transitions or upload a video version of your presentation if needed.
Why does using PowerPoint require giving OptiSigns Admin permission to use?
OptiSigns uses Microsoft APIs for integration. In order for our integrations to work, the integration has to be approved by an administrator. This is the same across all integrations using Microsoft APIs.
This administrator access is only needed for first time access. Once the OptiSigns app is approved for use, other users can use OptiSigns directly.
That's it!
You've now successfully uploaded your PowerPoint file to OptiSigns!