With OptiSigns Pro or Enterprise Plan, you can set up Approval Workflow so that you can have:
1) Contributors in your organization that can create, upload contents, make changes to Playlists
2) Then submit to Admin or Approver to review & approve (email notification available)
3) Once approved, the changes will be applied to your screens immediately
To demonstrate an example, we will create 2 users:
- John the Proposer - who will add some content to a playlist and submit for approval
- Jane the Approver - who will review the changes made by John and approve it
Let's jump in and get started:
First go to Account Member page and add John with Content Proposal role and Jane with Content Approval role.
By default, there 5 roles on your Pro or Enterprise account.
- Admin: have full access to the account, include billing.
- User: can create, edit, delete all content, screens for the folders they have access to
- Content Proposal: can create new files, assets and propose change to playlist
- Content Approval: like User, but also have authority to review and approve change proposal
- Read Only: can only view what they have access to
Pick the Content Proposal role for John.
And Content Approval role for Jane.
Once added you will have 2 users like below.
Log in as John the Proposer and make some changes to a playlist
You will see there's even an A|B view to compare Original vs Proposed.
Once change is made, click on Submit for Approval.
John can pick to send a notification to All Approvers, or selected approvers, in this case let's select Jane.
Note: this is only select who are to be notified, all approvers, admins still can review and approve all change proposal.
After proposal submitted, John can still continue to change the playlist till Jane approves it. Once Jane approves, he will need to submit a new proposal.
Proposal Notification and Approval Process:
If Jane has an email associate with her account, she will get an email notification like below.
She can click on the Review button to be taken straight to the Playlist to review.
Jane will also get notification when she log on to OptiSigns.
Click on the notification item will take her to the playlist in that proposal.
Jane can review and Reject or Approve the change.
If Approve is clicked, the proposed change will be applied to the playlist right away, and if there are screens playing this playlist, the screens will be updated immediately.
Jane can also make more changes, modify to the Proposed Playlist before approving it.
If Reject is clicked, proposed change is discarded. Note that you will not be able to recover discarded change once rejected, Jane may want to contact John and suggest changes in that case.
If Jane went on vacation, came back and there are many approvals waiting for her.
She can go to the Approval Requests page to view them all.
In the Approval Request page, Jane or any Admin, Approvers can see all the pending approval in the system (regardless of who submitted it or who it submitted to).
Jane can review in detail by click View Detail to go to the specific playlist.
Or click approve reject right there.
This page also useful if other Admin, Approvers need to cover for Jane to review change proposal when Janes is not available.
The idea is for the Content Proposer, contributor to be able to upload files, create new assets, and propose change to playlists.
Content Proposer cannot Edit Screens, Change Assets, Schedule.
We would like to keep the process simple for both the Proposers and Approvers. Imagine if an approver needs to look at a change in an asset that belong to a Playlist that's in a Schedule 2 weeks from now. It would not be easy for the approver to figure out what's the actual impact of the change.
If you have any additional questions, concerns or any feedback about OptiSigns, feel free to reach out to our support team at support@optisigns.com