A real world scenario would be:
A church is broadcasting their Sunday 9AM session on YouTube Live, the church also have overflow rooms in case the main hall is filled, in the overflow rooms, there's already TV, screens for signage & presentation. You can use OptiSigns YouTube Live schedule feature to schedule the live session to go on the TVs in overflow rooms every Sunday 9AM automatically.
Putting YouTube Live Schedule on your digital signs screens is easy with OptiSigns.
You just need to copy the YouTube channel link and paste in the YouTube Live Schedule app and select the schedule.
Note: To use the app, Youtube Channel URL is required. The format is like below
To get your channel Id, go to the about page of your channel, click on share channel and copy channel Id.
Let's jump in and get started:
First, you will need to have your screens set up and paired. For more information on how to do that, click here.
Then log on to our portal: http://app.optisigns.com/
Go to Files/Assets, Click on "App".
Click YouTube Live Schedule app:
Select how do you want to get your channel:
If you select "ENTER CHANNEL URL"
Enter your YouTube Live Schedule information:
- Name: Give your YouTube Live Schedule a name. This is for displaying in your asset list only. The app will try to get the video's title and use as name, but you can change it to something else.
- URL: Paste the link to your YouTube channel here.
- Caption: If the YouTube video has closed caption, the app will show it. Note: closed caption must be created by the YouTube video author, auto generated caption may not work.
- Live Time: Set a date and time for the YouTube Live video.
- Timezone: Select your time zone.
- Repeat: Set the frequency of the YouTube Live video.
Click Save.
After Saving, you can Preview live videos to verify.
If you select "SIGN IN WITH GOOGLE"
Enter your YouTube Live Schedule information:
- Name: Give your YouTube Live Schedule a name. This is for displaying in your asset list only. The app will try to get the video's title and use as name, but you can change it to something else.
- URL: Auto generated the YouTube channel.
- Caption: If the YouTube video has closed caption, the app will show it. Note: closed caption must be created by the YouTube video author, auto generated caption may not work.
- Live Time: Set a date and time for the YouTube Live video.
- Timezone: Select your time zone.
- Repeat: Set the frequency of the YouTube Live video.
Note: If there is no live stream or live stream already ended, the app will play the next video on your channel.
Click Save.
After Saving, you can Preview live videos to verify.
Optional, Schedule your event to go on your signs at specific time.
Next, you can put the YouTube Live Schedule in your Schedule.
Say you want your 9AM-11AM event to be schedule every Sunday.
For more information about using Schedule, please refer to Schedule Guide.
NOTE: If your schedules ends earlier than 11AM, YouTube Live Schedule will play the next video on your Channel.
Tips & Notes:
You should set your event in YouTube to live a few minutes before the actual schedule time in OptiSigns, as YouTube take a few mins to set the event live.
If you set your event to be live publicly (so people can view it without logging on to YouTube), it may take up to 10min from the time you set the event to Live till the time it's actually live on YouTube (likely due to YouTube review process).
That's all! Congratulation!
You have added a YouTube Live Schedule.
You can assign the newly created YouTube Live Schedule asset to your screen by going to Screens, click Edit screens and assign the wall to screens that you want.
You can put the YouTube Live Schedule to a Playlist, Schedule too.
If you have any additional questions, concerns or any feedback about OptiSigns, feel free to reach out to our support team at support@optisigns.com