Sometimes, if you experiencing issues with OptiSigns app, a common way to fix is to reinstall the app.
In this guide, we will walk you through end to end process to uninstall OptiSigns app from your Amazon Fire Stick device.
Here is a quick video showing you how to uninstall the reinstall the OptiSigns app on your Fire Stick:
How to Uninstall OptiSigns app on Fire Stick
To uninstall OptiSigns app on your Fire Stick, go to Settings > Applications > Manage Installed Applications. Then select OptiSigns app, and select Uninstall. Finally, click Uninstall again when you see the pop-up warning screen.
1. From your Fire Stick homepage go to "Settings".
2. Scroll through and click "Applications".
3. Then click "Manage Installed Applications".
4. Select OptiSigns app that you want to uninstall.
5. Then scroll down and click "Uninstall".
6. Click "Uninstall".
Now you uninstall Optisigns app successfully. You can reinstall the app. You can go here to learn more about how to install Optisigns app.
How to Reinstall OptiSigns app on Fire Stick
1. Press the Search icon on the Find section of the Fire TV,
2. Type in "optisigns".
After you typed "optisigns", be sure to press the menu down button until the "Optisigns" text is highlighted and then click on it.
3. Click "Download" on the Optisigns app icon.
Once the app is installed, launch it.
You're ready to go.
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