This article will show you how to set up and display the Motivational Quote app on your big screens TVs.
In the Files/Assets and within the Apps section, select the Motivational Quotes within the apps list:
The following window will pop-up and you will need to enter the details and quotes you'd like to display:
Name: Name of your Motivational Quote app that you wish to see it labeled as within the OptiSigns platform. This name is internal to you only.
- Background Type: The drop-down will show you either Playlist or Single Color
- Playlist - This allows you to select an playlist of images that you want to appear as backgrounds to the quotes provided. Background Opacity and Text Color also become enabled.
- Single Color - This allows you to select a single color background based on the default themes provided through OptiSigns.
- Background Opacity: This appears only when Playlist is selected and allows user to customize and optimize the opacity of the background so that the text still stands out effectively.
- Text Color: This appears only when a Playlist is selected and allows user to enter the hex-code for the text color
- Quote: Free-form text field to allow you to enter the quote and the author of the quote. Additional quotes can be added using the "+ New Quote" button
- Duration (sec): Enter the duration you'd like to have for each quote to be displayed.
- Show Date/Time: Enable a center justified date and time to be displayed above the quotes.
- Shuffle Play: play quotes in random orders.
That's all! Congratulations!
You have created an instance of the Motivational Quote app.
You can assign it to your screen by going to Screens, click Edit screens and assign the wall directly to a screen or add it to a playlist.
If you have any additional questions, concerns or any feedback about OptiSigns, feel free to reach out to our support team at