With OptiSigns’s QR Overlay, you can create custom QR codes that overlay your content, allowing you to easily share links, videos, contacts, and much more.
As the content displays, the QR will stay on top at the location you place it in.
This is Free for all users on all plans.
Let's jump in and get started:
First, head over to our Engage section in our OptiSigns portal, or click on the link below:
Select QR Overlay → “Build”
Select what you’d like your QR Code to take your audience to once scanned from the list of available options, such as,
- Open your website URL
- Send an Email
- Send an SMS
- Open your Facebook Page
- Open your Instagram page
- Direct to the App Store
- Navigate them to social media and more.
Fill out the corresponding information to set up your choice.
For example, if you select “Link”, make sure to paste your desired website URL in the section directly below the options as we did below.
If you’d like to customize your QR Code, select “QR Options” for a variety of customization options to drop down
- Background: Will change the background color of the QR Code from white to whatever color you’d like. You can select a single color or color gradient, then choose your color.
- Logo: Upload a logo or image to appear in the center of the QR Code. Change the Image Size to be bigger or smaller. Change the margin to create white space around the logo.
- Dots: These are the main background dots. Change the visual style, the color type, and the color of the dots.
- Corners Dot: These are the dots within the corner square. Change the visual style, the color type, and the color of the dots.
- Corners Square: These are the squares in the corner. Change the visual style, the color type, and the color of the dots.
- Error Correction Level: The error correction level in a QR code (L, M, Q, H) determines its ability to withstand damage while remaining readable:
- L (Low): Provides basic error correction and can recover up to 7% of damaged data.
- M (Medium): Offers a moderate level of error correction, capable of recovering up to 15% of damaged data.
- Q (Quartile): Provides a high level of error correction, allowing recovery of up to 25% of damaged data.
- H (High): Offers the highest level of error correction, capable of recovering up to 30% of damaged data.
Now, assign the playback content type.
This could be an asset, playlist, or schedule within your account that you’d like to be the standard content shown.
You can also adjust the scaling of the asset to
- Fit
- Stretch
- Zoom your display.
Change the QR Code's location with preset locations in the corners of the screen or customize it to where you’d like it to reside on your screen.
Also, adjust the QR Code to your preferred size, making it bigger or smaller.
Lastly, click Save and Assign your QR Overlay to your Screen or Tags, or you can assign it later.
That's all! Congratulations!
You’ve successfully created a QR Overlay to fit your brand’s unique identity!
Note: QR Overlay is available to every subscription plan, but the other features listed in Engage need to have the Engage plan to access them.
If you have any additional questions, concerns, or any feedback about OptiSigns, feel free to reach out to our support team at support@optisigns.com