When managing multiple screens with OptiSigns, you have two primary methods to push your content to the screens. Below is a detailed guide to help you choose the best method and execute it effectively.
Let's get started!
Method 1: Edit screen and assign the content
This method is more suitable if you are assigning content on specific screens and you want it to go live immediately. You can also select a list of screens and do a group edit.
To Edit One Screen:
- Go to the Screens Management page, and find your desired screen
- Click Edit
- In the Edit Screen pop-up window, select Type and choose either Asset, Playlist or Schedule
- Click on Selected Asset and choose your desired content from the pop-up window
- Click Save
To Edit Multiple Screens:
- Go to the Screens Management page
- Select each checkmark box next to Screens
- Click Edit
- In the Edit Group of Screen pop-up window, select Type and choose either Asset, Playlist or Schedule
- Click on Selected Asset and choose your desired content from the pop-up window
- Click Save
Method 2: "Push to Screens" button
This method allows the user to apply more conditions when pushing content to screens. You can access the Push to Screens button in multiple areas:
- Files/Assets: Go to the Files/Assets page → Click on the 3 Vertical Dots → Select the Push To Screens
- Playlists: Go to the Playlist page → Select the Push to Screens Button
- Schedules: Go to the Schedules page → Select the Push to Screens button
- Split Screen app: Open a Split Screen app → Select the Push to Screens in the top right corner
- Designer: Open the Designer App → Select the Push to Screen button in the top right corner
When pushing content to the screen, there are multiple options of when you want the content to go live:
- Push: Assign and push the content to screens immediately
- Schedule Changes: Select a time for the content to start playing. Optional, set an expiration time, if you'd like the content to stop playing at some point or revert to the last played content.
- Temp Takeover: Temporarily take over the screens for a selected period of time before reverting back to the previously assigned content.
There are also multiple options on where to target the content to:
- Screens: Select the screen(s) you want to target
- Tags: If your screens have assigned tags, select those tags and any screen with those tags will be targeted.
- Tag Rules: Allows you to define more complex conditions when selecting target screens, which you can learn more here.
What Happens if Your Screen Already has an Assigned Playlist?
When the target screens are currently running a playlist, when you push the contents to the screen, you will be given the option to either include the asset in the currently running playlist or override the playlist with the asset. It will show "Screens(s) using playlist".
- Add this asset to the end of the current playlist(s) the screen(s): This will add the asset to the end of the current playlist. You can also set the duration (in seconds) to it.
- Assign this asset to the selected screen(s): This will just assign this asset to the screen directly.
How to Cancel a Scheduled Push
When a screen has scheduled content to go live, you can see it on the Screens Management page.
You can click Edit screens and cancel the schedule if you want to.
That's it!
If you have any additional questions, concerns, or any feedback about OptiSigns, feel free to reach out to our support team at support@optisigns.com