We strongly recommend installing the OptiSigns app via the Google Play Store for most Android devices. This is because Google Play will automatically keep your app up to date with new versions and releases. This method is for devices which, for whatever reason, do not have access to the Google Play store. Typically, these include Android-enabled kiosks and certain special purpose AOSP devices. |
Enabling Unknown Source Downloads
Newer versions of Android will need you to allow Unknown Source downloads in order to successfully install the OptiSigns app. In this case, you know the source - it's us! - but your Android device may not recognize it. This will not be needed on every Android device, but it's best to do it just to be safe.
These instructions mainly apply to Android Oreo, Pie, 9.0, or later. For even more detailed instructions on Unknown Sources, see how to install apps from unknown sources in Android. |
To allow Unknown Source downloads, go to Settings → Device Preferences → Security & restrictions.
Here, hit Unknown Sources. Several apps will appear. If you plan to download OptiSigns via Chrome Web Browser, make sure it's Enabled. If via an External Source, enable that. This may also present as a File Manager. Whatever source it is, Enable it.
In this example, we've enabled Chrome. Now we're ready to get OptiSigns on your device.
Installing APK via an External Device
These steps should be followed if you do not have convenient access to a Web Browser on your device, or unstable access to a network connection. If you have a Web Browser (but no Google Play store), we recommend installing Via Web Browser.
Step 1: Download OptiSigns APK and Put on External Storage Device
On a computer, navigate to the OptiSigns Download page. Scroll down until you see the Android logo. This is where you will download the APK. Click anywhere in the box.
These options will pop up. Click Download APK.
Now find the APK in your Downloads folder (or wherever it was downloaded to) and place it on your External Storage device.
Step 3: Attach External Storage to Device and Run APKInstaller
Plug your external storage device into the Android device. Find your pre-installed APKInstaller. This can usually be found in the "More Apps" section, indicated by multiple dots.
Open your APKInstaller. The precise version of this may vary by device, but should exist in some form if your device lacks a web browser.
Grant access to your external storage by hitting OK.
Hit Install.
Here, find your External Storage device on the path menu.
Select the OptiSigns APK file. You should see the below screen. Hit Install.
If everything goes well, you should see this screen:
Now all that's left is pairing your screen to your account.
Installing APK via Web Browser
These steps should be followed if you have access to a Web Browser, but not the Google Play store on your Android device.
Download OptiSigns APK and Install It
To begin, open your web browser (Chrome will be used in this example).
Type in the following URL:
Then, click Go.
Click The APK button in the Android Operation System on our site.
Click Download to download the OptiSigns APK file
Click on the Options button (three-period button) in Chrome.
Click Downloads
Click the OptiSigns APK file, then hit Install.
Click the Done button.
That’s it!
Either route you've taken, you'll need to pair your screen to your account. Once paired, you'll have full access to OptiSigns digital signage!
If you have any additional questions, concerns or any feedback about OptiSigns, feel free to reach out to our support team at