It can be useful to split up your screens with part of Live TV, HDMI in, and part display of other information.
You will need a USBvideo capture device plugged into your Windows PC, and connect your TV set-top box HDMI cable to the USB capture device.
Make sure you are running the latest version of OptiSigns Player on that box (the minimum required version is 4.2.15)
We recommend our OptiSigns Pro Player or a minimum PC with Intel i5 CPU running Windows or better.
Let's jump in and get started:
Then go to
Click Files/Assets -> Apps
Then find the Live TV app:
Give it a name & click Save
Then you can put this TV app in a Playlist or a Zone of your SplitScreen.
That's all! Congratulation!
When you assign the SplitScreen to your WIndows Mini PC it will play the video input and other splitscreen content.
Troubleshooting common problems:
1) Make sure your USB device is working and showing content in other apps like OBS Streaming.
2) Troubleshoot, change video, audio sources by go to OptiSigns Player's side menu select Live TV input sources.
And select the correct input source.
If you have any additional questions, concerns or any feedback about OptiSigns, feel free to reach out to our support team at