In this article, we will cover how to change the subscription plan on your OptiSigns account.
It's extremely easy to change the details of your OptiSigns subscription. From the type of plan you're using, to the number of screens associated with the account, to the add-on licenses you've purchased, all of this can be managed on the Subscription Plan screen.
In addition, you can change payment terms from Monthly to Yearly and vice versa. Our billing system will prorate your charges as appropriate.
To make changes to your plan, please go to:
From a Free Trial Account
For a free trial account, you can update your subscription at any time by clicking Update subscription.
Add the Number of screens, then hit Next.
Select the plan you want to change your Trial account to. For more on this, see our pricing page. Once you've made a decision, hit Next.
Then, choose your Term.
Currently (as of late 2024), we offer two terms:
- Monthly: A straight fee, paid each month. The most basic subscription type.
- Yearly: A commitment to pay for a single screen for a year, but with a 10% discount.
Choose whichever you prefer, then hit Next.
You'll be asked to input your payment information. Do so, then hit Update subscription.
Once that's done, you'll see an itemized breakdown, showing your plan, the number of screens, the Subtotal, the amount paid in Sales Tax (varies by location), and an estimate for your next bill.
Finally, hit Continue.
Congratulations! You've subscribed to OptiSigns.
For Existing Paid Subscribers
On the Subscription Plan screen, you'll see an itemized breakdown of every part of your bill. These can include your plan, as well as any add-ons you've purchased, multiplied by the number of screens registered on your account.
To add or reduce the number of screens you're using, or to change your plan, hit Update subscription.
Change the number of screens, or click Change to continue to change your plan.
Select the plan you'd like. Then, hit Next again.
Then, choose your term.
Currently (as of late 2024), we offer two terms:
- Monthly: A straight fee, paid each month. The most basic subscription type.
- Yearly: A commitment to pay for a single screen for a year, but with a 10% discount.
Choose whichever you prefer, then hit Next.
You'll be asked to put in your payment information:
Once the relevant information has been input, hit Update subscription.
Once that's done, you'll see an itemized breakdown, showing your plan, the number of screens, the Subtotal, the amount paid in Sales Tax (varies by location), and an estimate for your next bill.
Finally, hit Continue.
Congratulations! You've changed the terms of your OptiSigns subscription.
That's all!
If you have questions or issues with changing your subscription plan, please contact us at: